Health and Wellbeing over the Christmas Break!

Ensuring you have a rest this Christmas is essential for feeling energised and refreshed for the term ahead. After a long autumnal term, following the below tips can help unwind and destress:

1 – Take a break by yourself

Christmas can be a busy time, visiting different family members, last minute shopping, hosting and parties!

Remember to try to take time out for yourself even if it’s half an hour, have a walk, read a magazine and breathe… You can end up more tired than before you took a break. So, an hour to yourself is important.

2 – All about balance

Balance a pyjama day with getting fresh air too, the same for eating habits.

Balance the social events with quality down time relaxing. Christmas is a great time full of celebrations but it’s also an opportunity to rest and recuperate before the busy new year ahead.

3 – Be realistic

Be realistic about what you can achieve and afford. Share the workload and ask people if you need help with the shopping, cooking and coordinating arrangements. Remember that expensive gifts are not the most important part of Christmas!

Stick to a budget and don’t be afraid to ask for help, there’s people around you that can!

4 – Drinking in moderation

Christmas is all about fun and celebration, although low mood due to alcohol excess could put a dampener on those festivities.

You can enjoy yourself without having to drink every day, don’t feel the pressure to drink just because everyone else is doing it.

Drinking in moderation can also help you avoid the hangover dread after the Christmas party!

5 – Setting goals

Try not to put too much pressure on yourself with the whole ‘New Year, New Me’. Instead it might be helpful to set some personal smaller goals to achieve in the new year.

6 – A phone call could make a difference

For some people, Christmas can be the loneliest time of the year. Take the time out of your day to contact someone that might be alone this Christmas. You never know who may have really needed to hear a friendly voice or just talk to someone.

We hope you have a lovely Christmas break and enjoy time with yourself and people that make you feel good. We hope you enjoy the festivities and return to work feeling ready for the term ahead!

If you’re looking for a new job in the new year, please make sure to get in touch with us. You can drop us an email at [email protected]  or call us on 03301 242801 for a chat about how we can work with you.